Overview of TGP Curriculum

Listing of TGP Core Courses, Selectives, and Electives
BCMP 301 (previously 301qc) - Translational Pharmacology: The Science of Therapeutic Development: Modern Drug Discovery
M,T,W,Th,F January Term
This intensive course covers principles of pharmacology and their translation into new drug development. Students participate in project groups composed of graduate students, medical students, and post-graduate M.D. fellows to propose a drug development strategy from target choice through clinical trials. Most mornings include two hours of lectures and/or panel discussions; most afternoons include (i) case studies presented by Harvard faculty and faculty from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and/or (ii) time to work on the group project. Evaluation is based on written and oral presentations of the group project and on class participation.
BCMP 236 - Modern Drug Discovery: From Principles to Patients
T,Th Spring Term
This course will familiarize students with central concepts in drug action and therapeutics: specifically we will cover concepts surrounding Pharmacokinetics (PK) and the intersection of PK and medicinal chemistry in both lectures and case based discussions. These concepts are central to modern drug development and evaluation. In the course we will cover drug-target interactions, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. This course will have a focus on modern approaches to therapeutic development for small molecules, protein based therapeutics, nucleic acid based drugs and antibacterial compounds as well new frontiers in therapeutic discovery.
CELLBIO 302qc - Experimental Design for Biologists
W Fall Term
This course will focus on both the theory and practice of experimental design. The emphasis is on project planning and vetting, individual experimental design, and trouble-shooting. Special focus will be placed on methods to avoid experimental bias, and potential sources of inappropriate interpretation. Also the importance of system validation is especially emphasized. Instructed by David Glass (Regeneron) and Randy King (Harvard Medical School).
Cell & Gene Therapy Course - Coming Soon!